Sunday, October 1, 2017

How to cancel Automatic Likes Subscription using Paypal.

One of the biggest questions asked by people who subscribe to Automatic Likes or Auto Followers is how do you cancel the subscription?

Subscription services through Paypal can all be handled the same way and it’s very easy to stop.

The following 5 step process will quickly help you suspend the Membership Service.

  1. Log into Paypal with the Account you used on the website at the time you Signed Up to the Merchant.
  2. Click on your Profile button in the Top Right and choose Profile and Settings:
  3. Choose My Money in the left hand Menu and Click on the “Update” link next to your Preapproved Payments.
  4. You should see a list of Subscription you have in Paypal, click on the Payment you want to Cancel.
  5. Once you’ve selected the Merchant you want to modify, you will see a Cancel Link at the Top Left of the page.

Within 5 steps you can easily stop any subscription you have with Paypal. Recurring payments can be a real pain in your butt if you don’t manage them. It’s easily to lose track of how much money you are paying out every month to Merchant services.

A few things you should keep in mind before you stop your membership!

Your Subscription is still active until the Expiry date, this means your service will continue until it expires. If you need the service to stop completely it’s best to contact the provider so they can manually fix it for you.

The post How to cancel Automatic Likes Subscription using Paypal. appeared first on SocialProof.

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